Bandwidth over 60 tbps. For data heavy applications and critical business applications make fiber optics the right choice.

  • Up to 1 Gbps downloads
  • Up to 1 Gbps upload
  • Signals that are transmitted over fiber downgrade over 60 miles
  • Signals are transmitted over glass through bursts of light
  • Life cycle of fiber cables are 30-50 year

Bandwidth of 10 Gbps

  • Up to 1 Gbps downloads
  • Up to 50 Mbps uploads
  • Signals are transmitted over copper cable start to degrade after 340 ft.
  • Life cycle of cooper cables is about 5-10 years.

What is Fiber Optic cabling?

Fiber is a very reliable, safe and can carry data to the speed of light over internet connection. Fiber optics are made of glass or plastic strands that are used to transmit light signals over long distances.

Why Choose Fiber?

Fiber cables can run for miles and is incredibly fast. Copper cables are only capable of so much as certain distances. This difference makes fiber a superior choice over copper to give you a reliable solution for your network. Network failures can also be very costly for your business. A very important aspect in the business world is Business communications. Don’t gamble your business’ reputation using copper lines when you can run more efficient with Fiber Optics.

Single Strand Fiber

  • Higher transmission rate
  • Long distance: up to 50 times more distance than multi-strand fiber.

Multi-Strand Fiber

  • High bandwidth at high speeds
  • medium distance